Monday, July 12, 2010


Holy guacamole! This morning was a whirlwind of fun!

Today's theme was inclusion/belonging. We played games and had a lesson that reinforced making sure everyone was included and we talked about what it feels like when we're not included. These kids are pretty awesome.

I'm in charge of 16 2nd-5th graders in the creative arts elective. We're team purple! Yeah! Our kids were so excited to be there today, they were totally the best at the yelling contest. :o)

Its amazing to me to get to chat with each one and hear a little bit of their story. I had one girl tell me that she was hindu and a vegetarian. :o) There are so many nationalities represented in our little camp that its amazing. We can totally reach the nations through these kiddos.

It sounds like the kids had a blast today, and the parents kept thanking us for doing such a great job. :o)

Tomorrow's a new day, its wear your favorite sports team day. Gig 'Em Aggies! ;o)

Oh, and I realized today that I say y'all alot. I mean, A LOT. ::blush::

We got to visit to San Francisco this afternoon! yay!

Pray for another great day tomorrow...and my dad's recovery. His surgery went well, PTL!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good day! :) It's ok to say Y'all. I sometimes catch myself with it too. even though NO one says it around here, so I have no idea where I am getting it from. :)


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