Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My name is Follow

In college, a bunch of us would go to a Puerto Rican club on Friday nights and take salsa dancing lessons. Can you believe there's a Puerto Rican club in College Station? Hehe. We laughed a lot during those lessons. The teacher was a champion competitor in the world of salsa dancing. And the first thing he did was line the guys up on one side of the room, and line the girls up on the other side of the room. He faced the guys and said "your name is lead" and he turned to the girls "your name is follow."

So I opted to skip the wordless Wednesday today. There's too much on my heart. As I was driving into town yesterday I started thinking about submission. That's a tough word to chew, and it seems to leave a bitter taste in my mouth whenever it is spoken.

On Sunday, we talked about Godly men and women and what that looked like. Submission was one of those characteristics that came up under women. Leadership came up under the guys. Someone recalled a quote about submission for the class. "Submission is ducking when the Lord is about to slap your husband in the face." I laughed about that for a long time. Still laugh when I think about it. Submission is so hard for a woman. Anybody with me out there?

I would probably say that its the hardest thing about marriage for me. I am a stubborn, strong-willed fool. Independent and self sufficient for as long as I can remember. And as women, we're programed to think we know it all, we can do it better, and frankly we don't trust anyone else to get us there. Am I right?

Then it hit me.

I said yes to "the question" he asked, I walked down that aisle and said "I do" to a man I sized up and decided he was the best, decided he was chasing after God with his own heart, and he would make a great leader in our home. Now, I will say that God certainly had a hand in it all, but I thought long and hard about this man before committing to be with him for the rest of our lives. And I think I'm a smart girl, I make pretty good decisions, so if I chose to marry this man, he must be a pretty good one, right? He must be capable. He is a smart guy, he is chasing after God, and he is a fine leader with my best interest at heart. If I would just learn to submit. To give him a chance to grow as a leader. Even if that means not critiquing his driving...because I'm pretty sure he's not trying to get us killed out there, even though sometimes I act like it. ;o)

Check out Walk with Him Wednesday and see how others are loving like Jesus.
holy experience


  1. I'm with you. Submission is indeed a hard pill to swallow. But it can also be a healing and helping one also, especially to a godly man. Praying for us both to be submissive to the Lord for His glory!

  2. This was an amazing blog! Submission is the hardest thing for me to do as a woman period! Especially when it comes to a clean home, laundry, even taking out the garbage. I know that God makes women strong for a reason, but I never put it into perspective that the strength He has given us was also the strength to follow! It's a great thought to think about! Now if only the guy would just lead!! lol!


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