Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Friday!

So, I had this great idea to post one of my favorite recipes on here and take a picture of the dish for my photo of the day. Sadly my picture is REALLY blurry, so you'll just have to wait until the next time I make it. :o)

I went to the Pulmonologist today. He said I'm healthy. My lungs are fine and he does not believe that I have asthma. I'm very thankful that I'm healthy, but a little frustrated because I felt so bad for so long. I am feeling better, and they think the breathing trouble could either be GERD related, or it could just be that my brain doesn't read my O2/CO2 levels correctly.

Since my POD didn't work out yesterday I took 2 today. I can only share one of those with you though. The POD for today is going to be a present for someone's baby shower, and I don't want her to see it before she gets it! So maybe next month I'll share it with you. :o)



  1. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. Big relief for you I am sure!

    Cute bowl by the way! ;)


  2. and I forgot to tell you that I love your new layout! Very cute! :)


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