-physical healing
-girl's night in with my life group girls. LOVE them
-potluck with the life group
-a new room for our life group
-running out of chairs in the new big room because so many people showed up!
-a new growth group is forming
-a new website for our growth group, communicating information to so many people has been quite the challenge
-movie date with a good friend
-a new school year has begun
-my boss is back! She took the summer off (first vacation in 18 years!), and we sure did miss her!
-my sweet husband ordered me a sewing machine!
-my sweet husband cooked me a beautiful and delicious dinner Friday night because its been such a hard summer for me, and he wanted to remind me of his love for me...he's a keeper!
-another couple in our life group is pregnant! I think they set the record for the fastest though, they got married in May! ;o)
-getting out of the house after a miserable week
-working for a business that respects new ideas and supports change
-cleaning house! I know its weird, but I really love a clean house
-the internet being down at home (yes I'm mooching off some sweet persone that didn't protect with a password)
-an unexpected invitation to a conference
-a sweet, funny speaker with a message I needed to hear
-Raising Cane's and Taco Casa (for the record, Layne's is better!)
I had lots to be thankful this week, it was pretty busy. I guess that's why it flew by! Be blessed this week!

feel free to come clean at my place any time ;)