Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Multitude Monday...on Tuesday

I tell you what, the weeks just keep flying by. It gets kinda hard for me to stop and think about the blessings throughout the week. I must be too busy and over booking my time. When I don't have time to give thanks, to acknowledge blessings in my life, somethings gotta give.

266. Being prompted by the Holy Spirit to encourage a sister in Christ

267. Leadership retreat that gave me insight into myself

268. Slumber party with my Unveiled sistas

269. being comforted in the pain of losing a close family friend with the knowledge that he’s gone home to Jesus, and we’ll see him again someday

270. the sound of 100+ women unashamedly lifting their voices in worship

271. hearing about the amazing and selfless things the teens at our church are doing

272. scrapbooking with old friends and getting to make new ones!

273. My mom getting to see our house for the first time

274. Seeing our Life Group take a real interest in giving back to the community and investing in the students at our church

275. being in my husbands arms again after a week of crazy work hours, retreats, and other commitments.

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